Thursday, May 23, 2013

Seward Park Field Trip

We visited our friends from the Seward Park Audubon Conservatory, and they guided us through three different field studies:

1) Life Cycle
2) Animals in Seward Park
3) Botany (Study of Plants)

We also had a blast during lunch, when all three of the 4th grade classes were able to eat lunch together and then run around!  It was a load of fun and we came back to school quite exhausted from being outside all day.  We did have just the last burst of energy to create a video thank you to our friends at Seward Park.  [check back later for link!]
Playing the "Ecosystem Game!"

Checking out the bald eagle nest!  We got to watch the male fly away to hunt for food, and listen to the female call for him to return!

Our class, plus Taichi from Mrs. Frank's class :-)

Eating lunch with all of Shorewood's 4th graders

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